This means that if two different people can generate the same hash, they can verify that they’ve both got the exact same information. Hash-what, you ask? Well, you can apply a cryptographic hashing algorithm to a piece of information - such as a computer program - and it’ll generate a functionally unique hash. That way, you know exactly what your computer is running.įor the rest of us, you can do something called hash verification. If you really want to, you can even check Session’s code and compile it yourself. For Session (and most open-source projects), all our official releases can be found on our GitHub and our website. Well, first thing’s first: you should always make sure you’re downloading software from a trusted source.
Everything is downloaded: the apps you use to keep in touch with your family, the video games you use to wind down after work, and probably even the web browser you’re using to read this article.īut this introduces a problem - how do you make sure all this software you’re downloading is authentic?
īack in the day, software used to arrive in the form of floppy discs, MiniDiscs, and CD-ROMs.
Don’t care what’s behind the scenes? Skip straight to software verification tutorials for macOS, Linux, and Windows.